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In this information-packed virtual workshop, we start off by covering the basics of small business marketing (Different Types Of Ads, The Customer Buying Journey, Big vs. Little Asks, Understanding Conversion Rates, and brand Awareness, Engagement, Lead Generation) which leads us directly into a data-backed case study from a client that I was able to make
$1.4 Million Dollars in profit for during the 3-4 month time period of working together. We then walk step by step together for tutorials on creating graphics for ads using Canva for Free, How to set up an effective Facebook ad campaign, & how to set up an effective Google Ad Campaign.
In this information-packed basic website development workshop I teach you how to build a basic website for your small business utilizing Squarespace. This workshop contains first a short lecture on the benefits of having a website for your small business and then gets straight into the step-by-step tutorial.
Ready To Accelerate Your Business To New Heights? I'm here to help. Fill out this form and I will promptly reach out to you for a Free Consultation!
Joshua Lee Bryant